The land register - Land Registry (Land Registry) are public books (registry) to be entered into the property, ownership and other real rights and some mandatory rights to real estate and certain other concerns relevant to real estate transactions. Land register, excerpts or printouts and copies of land registers enjoy public trust and probative force of public documents. It is believed that the land register accurately and completely reflect the factual and legal status of land. Land registries are based on cadastral survey data. Land register Water Land departments as separate organizational units of the municipal courts. Land records are manually (hand-guided land register) or electronic data processing (EDP land registry). The Land Register consists of the general ledger and collection of documents. For each general ledger has a collection of cadastral maps and water separate supporting lists. Land registry entries shall be only in the general ledger. For all the land of a cadastral municipality leads one ledger. General Ledger consists of a land registry, in one land registry file shall be a single registered land. Land unit may consist of one or more cadastral parcels which are located in the same cadastral municipality. Land registry (ownership certificate) shall consist of three lists - the property register, proprietorship and charges. The collection of documents consists of papers that are allowed to land registration. Registry entries are registration, pre-registration and post registration. The registration is a registration whereby registrable rights are acquired, transferred, restricted or terminated without special additional justification.
Land registry contains:
property register (list, list A), proprietorship register (Sheet B), and charges register (Sheet C).
Title is a document proving ownership of the property and the seller is required to sell their property. It is the first document to be presented to the listing agent. Today it is possible and without a title deed to check the status of the ledger over the Internet. It is enough to have a number of particles and by e excerpt see balance in the general ledger.
ABOUT CADASTRE - Croatian system of registering property and rights to them is based on two registry - cadastre and land register. The real estate cadastre is described by their technical characteristics. The cadastral data on real property (cadastral parcels) are the basis for the establishment, renewal, operation and maintenance of land records. In order for a property could be the subject of ownership, it has to be individually determined. Cadastre is a record in which the property (land properties, cadastral parcels) to describe their technical characteristics and thus determine individually. The law defines the cadastre as "records of land parcels, buildings and other structures permanently located on the Earth's surface or below it,
and the special legal status of the land." Cadastral records link branch offices to SGA.
Real estate tax
The customer, a provider of life-long maintenance, and other acquirer of real estate ownership shall be a tax on real estate. Real estate transfer tax is paid at the rate of 4% on the market value of the property at the time of tax liability. An acquirer of the property may be exempted from the obligation to pay real estate tax depending on the circumstances. A taxpayer of the real estate is obliged to submit a tax on real estate competent Tax Administration office to place the property within 30 days from the date of the tax liability, and within 15 days of receipt of the decision on determining the real estate tax to pay tax, because his be otherwise for each day of exceeding interest-bearing. If the seller in less than three years to sell the property at a higher price from the date of purchase, then he was a taxpayer, or has to pay income tax, which is 35% of the difference between the buying and selling price.
Land registry contains:
property register (list, list A), proprietorship register (Sheet B), and charges register (Sheet C).
Title is a document proving ownership of the property and the seller is required to sell their property. It is the first document to be presented to the listing agent. Today it is possible and without a title deed to check the status of the ledger over the Internet. It is enough to have a number of particles and by e excerpt see balance in the general ledger.
ABOUT CADASTRE - Croatian system of registering property and rights to them is based on two registry - cadastre and land register. The real estate cadastre is described by their technical characteristics. The cadastral data on real property (cadastral parcels) are the basis for the establishment, renewal, operation and maintenance of land records. In order for a property could be the subject of ownership, it has to be individually determined. Cadastre is a record in which the property (land properties, cadastral parcels) to describe their technical characteristics and thus determine individually. The law defines the cadastre as "records of land parcels, buildings and other structures permanently located on the Earth's surface or below it,
and the special legal status of the land." Cadastral records link branch offices to SGA.
Real estate tax
The customer, a provider of life-long maintenance, and other acquirer of real estate ownership shall be a tax on real estate. Real estate transfer tax is paid at the rate of 4% on the market value of the property at the time of tax liability. An acquirer of the property may be exempted from the obligation to pay real estate tax depending on the circumstances. A taxpayer of the real estate is obliged to submit a tax on real estate competent Tax Administration office to place the property within 30 days from the date of the tax liability, and within 15 days of receipt of the decision on determining the real estate tax to pay tax, because his be otherwise for each day of exceeding interest-bearing. If the seller in less than three years to sell the property at a higher price from the date of purchase, then he was a taxpayer, or has to pay income tax, which is 35% of the difference between the buying and selling price.
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